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Monday, June 16, 2008
Western Pond Inlet- Awesome and Pristene
Newfoundland’s famous picture of the hiker with arms open staring down a fjord was taken on the hike from Western Brook Pond. Having seem so many pictures of this fjord I was worried that the boat trip might be a let down. Any worry vanished even before we got close to the trail head parking lot. The sheer cliffs of the fjord are magnificent and can be seen for miles as you drive north from Rocky Harbour. What was most impressive is how Parks Canada have kept the Western Pond Inlet area 100% pristine. I loved the 45 minute hike to the boat launch. The walk across the bog and stunted spruce and tamarack is stunning and is a great appetizer to the boat tour. How tempting it must have been for Parks Canada to build a road to this incredible lake. Hats off for keeping this jewel in it’s natural splendour. If you would like to take in Western Pond Inlet, check out Langford Adventure's Newfoundland family adventure.